Frequently asked questions

Your go-to resource for answers to common questions

Frequently asked questions

Your go-to resource for answers to common questions

Frequently asked questions

Your go-to resource for answers to common questions

What is an AI content creation platform, and how does it work?

Can I try your AI content creation platform before subscribing?

How do I use the AI content creation platform?

Is my content safe and secure on your platform?

Can I customize the content generated by the AI?

What languages does your AI support?

Is there a limit to the amount of content I can create with my subscription?

Can I collaborate with team members or clients on your platform?

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

What is an AI content creation platform, and how does it work?

Can I try your AI content creation platform before subscribing?

How do I use the AI content creation platform?

Is my content safe and secure on your platform?

Can I customize the content generated by the AI?

What languages does your AI support?

Is there a limit to the amount of content I can create with my subscription?

Can I collaborate with team members or clients on your platform?

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

An AI Digital Public Good, built by OpenNyAI & Microsoft Research.

©Copyright © 2024 Jugalbandi | OpenNyAI. Released under the MIT License.

An AI Digital Public Good, built by OpenNyAI & Microsoft Research.

©Copyright © 2024 Jugalbandi | OpenNyAI. Released under the MIT License.

An AI Digital Public Good, built by OpenNyAI & Microsoft Research.

©Copyright © 2024 Jugalbandi | OpenNyAI. Released under the MIT License.